So I finished the 7th Harry Potter book on Sunday. I was amazed by how well tied together the series was by the end of the book. I definitely maintain my theory that Harry Potter is great Christian mythology; I would not be surprised to see Prof. Brockmann create a course on Christianity in Harry Potter. I am quite satisfied with book 7, but I didn't realize how much of book 6 I had forgotten. I pretty much have books 1-5 down, but anything in book 7 that tied solely to book 6 was a bit shady in my memory. In light of this, I am currently rereading book 6. If you have yet to read book 7, I highly reccomend rereading book 6 first. As I am rereading, what transpired in book 7 clarifies itself. I am psyched to read the series start to finish sometime in the next year.