Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow day for work and class...

Today the school system I work in had a snow day.  We didn't actually get too much snow, but the predictions of a nasty wintry mix were enough for over 500 closings in the state of Massachusetts.  My crochet class was also cancelled tonight (thankfully the class will be made up at the end of the course.  So what have I done with my snow day? I went to Panera Bread for free coffee day, and otherwise I have given myself permission to relax some.   I also registered for a class to learn to make Pysanky [Ukranian Easter Eggs].   

What have you done today?

1 comment:

Meg said...

It sounds like you are taking some interesting classes!

I did some cleaning, am trying to get some reading for tomorrow (eek) done, but really just let myself rest a bit. It was nice to sleep in a little!

When I went outside to clean little car off I was shocked how little snow was on it. Better safe than sorry I suppose.