Monday, May 11, 2009

On writing...

For someone who fancies herself a writer, I don't get around to writing very often.  I think a lot about all the things I could write--the things I should write, and yet I never seem to get around to writing any of them.  That inability to push myself from the idea to the actual writing is incredibly constricting.  Sometimes I feel like I am stuck in a trunk or a chest, and my ideas are slowly suffocating me.  To say the least, it is frustrating.

This past year I have read a few books and articles on writing in hopes that they might inspire me to put my ideas down on paper, but instead of being inspirational and motivating, they have left me with the idea that I still don't know enough about writing to actually write something worthwhile. I still think of myself as a writer, but perhaps in reality I am a coward without enough guts to put into words what I really think and believe for fear of ridicule and rejection.

I suppose this revelation has been good for me. Once one admits to her cowardice, she can take steps to overcome it, and that is what I plan to do.  I made a goal for myself today; I have committed to writing something each and every day.  It needn't be long, and it needn't be a masterpiece--it just needs to be something.  With that said, I don't promise to share everything that I write, but I will leave it open as a possibility.

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