Friday, August 7, 2009

Zinnias and Cucumbers

Yesterday evening, after helping to move a couch into our apartment, a dear friend of mine and Ish's invited us to visit the farm he and another good friend of ours started this growing season. Having spent the past several days shuttling back and forth between our apartment, Ish's parents' house, and various shops, our friend's invitation was received warmly and with much excitement.

After a short yet scenic drive, we arrived at the farm. Despite vacationing on a farm throughout my childhood, I have never seen anything quite like this. Even with a tough year weather wise, their endeavor is doing quite well. It was a joy to taste and see the fruit of our friends' labor.

They had an abundance of cucumbers in many varieties, some extra lettuce, and parsley. We were blessed to receive portions of them as well as a beautiful bouquet of freshly cut zinnias. Hopefully next summer Ish and I will be able to help them in the field.

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