Monday, March 10, 2008

Haiku worksheet


A haiku is a kind of Japanese poem that can help you to practice counting syllables. This type of poem has 3 lines and follows a very special syllable pattern

  • The first line of a haiku has 5 syllables.

  • The second line has 7 syllables.

  • The last line has 5 syllables.

Traditionally haikus are written about nature. Here are some examples. Can you count the syllables in each line? Try to clap them out.


Rain is falling down--

Pitter patter on the ground.

The whole world gets wet.

Windy Day

The wind is blowing,

Whistling through the branches

A blustery day.

Now it is time to write your own haiku. Remember to follow the syllable pattern at the top of the page. Don’t forget to give your haiku a title.





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