Wednesday, March 12, 2008

To veil or not to veil that is the question

I have been in this constant debate with my pride as to whether or not I should cover my head at mass.  When I say constant, I mean that I have been debating this since my reversion to the Catholic faith.  My ideas about modesty have been a long time in the development, and they are finally starting to unveil themselves.  I have had this notion since summer of 2005 that I am supposed to cover my head.  For a while I covered it every day.  That lasted for summer of 2005.  I gave up my uncovered ways for Lent in 2006 and 2007.  Both of these periods of time in my life were so fruitful spiritually, but I do not any longer feel called to cover my head at all times in public; I do, however, seem to like to ignore God's call to me to at least submit and humble myself during mass.  I stumbled across this article today that really put a lot of how I feel into words.  If you think of it, pray for me that I may have the strength of conviction to do what I know I am being called to do.

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